
All residents of the municipality of La Broquerie are invited to become members of the library. Simply come to the library with a piece of identification indicating your current residential address to fill out an application. We ask all members to advise us of any changes in their address and telephone numbers.

We encourage parents to register their children under the age of 18 years as members of the library as we feel this teaches them the skills necessary to manage a library account, a tool which will be useful to them later on in life. By doing so, parents accept responsibility for the reading and viewing selections of their child and for any loss or damage incurred by him or her to any property or materials of the library.

Loan limits

The following loan durations apply, with a possibility of renewing a maximum of two times, unless the article is new or someone has reserved it. In this case it will not be renewable and will be due at the end of the current loan period.

If a client asks to renew the loan of an article which is late by two weeks or more, two renewals be registered at the time of this renewal. (As carried by the Board of directors on July 4, 2011)


Late returns

At each visit when you borrow items we will provide you with a receipt which indicates the due dates of the items you are borrowing.

We do not impose daily fines for late items at this time and we wish to continue with this system. We rely on the good faith of our clients to show respect for the property of the library and toward their fellow-patrons by returning all library property in due time and in good condition.

If, however, we ask for the return of articles and these are not returned, we will be obliged to prepare a bill for the amount that it costs to replace the article, plus an additional $5 fine per article. All accounts which have an outstanding balance will be on hold until the bill is paid.

In order to encourage our clients to look after bills submitted by the library without delay, bills remitted to clients for articles which are late or damaged will indicate that if the bill is resolved within seven business days the $5 fines per articles will be waived.

It is possible to request extensions over the phone and it is preferable that it be done before the current loan period expires. Getting into the habit of returning articles on time might mean that we would not need to start charging daily fines, and this would also prepare you for the possibility that we would become obliged to start imposing daily fines.

At the discretion of the library administrator, when a client pays a bill for an article which has not been returned and thereafter returns the article in good condition and within a reasonable delay, and if we have not yet made arrangements to replace the article, if the client requests, we can reimburse the cost of the article less a $5 fee, if the balance of the amount to be reimbursed is more than $3. The client always has the choice of retaining the article. The $5 fine is never reimbursable. (As carried by the Board of directors on September 19, 2016)

As of December 1st, 2015, the library will make only one reminder telephone call to ask for the return of late items, and if these items are not returned a bill will be mailed out to the client the following week. (As carried by the Board of directors on December 1, 2015)


Children at the library

Children under the age of 12 who come to the library to make use of the services offered at the library must be accompanied by a person responsible for them. A person aged 12 or over can come to the library with children for which he or she is responsible so that they can make use of the services of the library and this responsible person must be in the library at all times with the children. It is necessary that they conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for a library environment, and they must conform to the requirements of the person in charge of the library. (As carried by the Board of directors on December 13, 2016)

NSF Cheque

In the case of an NSF cheque returned to us by a financial institution, there will be a $20 fee imposed, over the amount of the original cheque. (As carried by the Board of directors on October 20, 2010)

Checking out articles

(As carried by the Board of directors on July 5, 2010)


Inappropriate websites

In the event that a person looks at inappropriate Web sites from the computers at the library, the following consequences will be in order

(As carried by the Board of directors on May 26, 2009)

Acquisitions Policy

That because Bibliothèque Saint-Joachim Library is hosted inside the school library of École Saint-Joachim, that the library’s collection should not contain any erotic material because that type of material is not appropriate for school age children.

(As carried by the Board of directors on August 27, 2012)


The library presently accepts gifts of recent books, in a small quantity. We reserve the right to not put the books in circulation if we judge, for any reason, that they are not appropriate for our collection. All books which are given to us and which are not put into circulation will be handed over to charitable organizations.
